The 3 Email Series Everyone Must Have

Brandon Ausbrooks
June 26, 2023

The 3 Email Series Everyone Must Have

Email marketing has been a crucial tool for businesses looking to connect with their audiences for decades. With the constantly changing algorithms of social media, it is only going to become more important. Using email automation, it has the power to be more efficient and personalized.

The biggest advantage of email automation is that you can send targeted messages based on time or activity. This increases the chance of your reader taking action or responding.

But where do you start with email automation?

In this post, I break down the three email series that every business should have in their automated email marketing.

The Welcome Series

The welcome series is the first email series that subscribers receive when they come into your ecosystem. This could be signing up for your newsletter or downloading your lead magnet.

The welcome series should do 3 things:

  • Create a good first impression
  • Introduce yourself or your brand
  • Provide more value to the subscriber

You should be using your welcome series to increase the Know, Like, and Trust (KLT) factor with your audience.

Include emails that help your subscribers get to KNOW you. These can be stories from your life, or by injecting your own unique twist on the information you're providing.

Include emails that help your subscribers to LIKE you. The best way to get subscribers to like you is to be generous with your emails. Under promise and overdeliver.

Include emails that help your subscribers to TRUST you. You can provide testimonials or case studies to earn their trust, but the best way is getting them actual results. Every email you write should have a goal. Your reader should:

  • Learn something
  • Feel something
  • Think something
  • Take some action

In your welcome series, you'll also want to set expectations of what the reader should expect moving forward. How often will you be emailing? What will you be talking about? What are the next steps the subscriber should take?

Example of a Welcome Series

The Nurture Series

The nurture series keeps your subscribers engaged and interested in your brand. This is a series that sends out emails on a regular basis over a long period of time.

This series includes emails that provide value to the subscriber, such as helpful tips, blog posts, and special promotions. The nurture series is important for growing a relationship with your subscribers and keeping your brand top-of-mind.

You can also segment your subscribers based on their interests and send them targeted emails that are relevant to them. By doing so, you can increase engagement and build a more personal connection with your subscribers.

Example of a Nurture Series

The Onboarding Series

Once someone buys from you, you want to make sure they receive the white-glove treatment. A great way to do this is through a well-designed onboarding series.

This series includes emails that confirm their purchase, and provide them with next steps, answers to FAQs, and best practices.

The exact emails needed for this series will vary depending on your types of business and your exact internal process.

Onboarding series are essential for creating a positive experience and building customer loyalty.

You can also include recommendations for related products or services, offer discounts on future purchases, and ask for reviews. Great onboarding series encourage repeat business and increase customer lifetime value.

Example of a Onboarding Series

Keep it simple

Email automation can be complex, but these three series are simple, yet effective.

You can scale these as your business grows or becomes more complex, but nailing these in the beginning is crucial before you get too fancy.

Most email automation platforms can handle these simple series, but my favorite is Convertkit. You can sign up for your free 14-day trial of ConvertKit here.*
